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UK for Hong Kong

Hong Kong residents have rights affirmed by the British government to take up residency leading to a full British Passport, with the process commencing January 1st 2021.

The BNO (British National Overseas) Passport was issued to all those who chose to register as British Nationals inside the former colonies at independence, or in the case of Hong at the time of the transfer of Sovereignty.

As of January 1st 2021 the British government have expanded the BNO passport with a process for a BNO residency leading to citizenship for all who would have met the earlier criteria

BN(O) Citizens and their dependants who apply and meet the requirements set out abose will have the following entitlements and restrictions in the UK for the period of leave granted under the Hong-Kong BN(O) visa:

The application is online and we support any Hong Kong Resident wishing to pass through this process.

There will be no requirement for applicants to apply for or hold a valid BN(O) passport and successful applicants will be able to travel on a valid Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Passport. However, valid or expired BN(O) passports should be kept and submitted with an application as evidence of BN(O) status. Where a BN(O) passport has been lost, eligibility checks can be made using historical records held by Her Majesty’s Passport Office.

Applications for the Hong Kong BN(O) Visa can be made from Hong Kong, from within the UK or elsewhere.

We can arrange all accommodation, tax advice, education advise and health advise to anyone who wishes to look at this application process

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